




This section addresses the specific policies and degree requirements for the Petroleum Engineering graduate 程序 in the Petroleum and Chemical Engineering Department and applies to all graduate students who plan to obtain a Masters or Doctorate degree 石油工程. 这些政策和要求是对新标准的补充 墨西哥技术研究生计划,定义在 NMT毕业生手册.

In order to receive a graduate degree 石油工程, a student must complete advanced course 工作 and demonstrate an ability to successfully formulate and complete 一个研究项目. The specific courses selected for the degree plan shall be a proper 石油和非石油工程课程的混合. 

Since it is the function of the 咨询委员会 to provide guidance in both research and course selection, new graduate students must select the members of their graduate 咨询委员会 by the end of the student's first semester of residency. 在 the first semester, students will have the opportunity to observe different professors in the classroom and to discuss research interests with each member of the department 还有兼职教员. 本系有幸有合作研究工作 with members of the New Mexico Petroleum Recovery 研究 Center (PRRC), Sandia and 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室等. 这些组织的一些研究人员 与部门保持兼职教员的任命. 重要的研究活动 are carried out at all locations and students are strongly encouraged to discuss their research options with as many faculty members as possible before selecting an advisor.


遵循研究生院的要求 NMT毕业生手册 用于学分的转移.





Other 研究生: Including Application Information, Applications and Deadlines, 研究生 成本: